189.010. 1. As used in sections 189.010 to 189.085, unlessthe context clearly indicates otherwise, the following termsmean:
(1) "Approved provider", hospitals, clinics, laboratories,or other health personnel or facilities meeting standards to beestablished under the provisions of sections 189.010 to 189.085;
(2) "Department", the department of social services of thestate of Missouri;
(3) "Director", the director of the department of socialservices of the state of Missouri or his duly authorizedrepresentative;
(4) "High risk patient", a woman of childbearing age who hasany condition, or is at risk of developing some condition,medically or otherwise known to predispose to premature birth orto produce mental retardation; or any infant or child who has anycondition, or is at risk of developing some condition, medicallyknown to predispose to mental retardation;
(5) "Person", any individual, firm, partnership,association, corporation, company, group of individuals actingtogether for a common purpose or organization of any kind,including any governmental agency other than the United States orthe state of Missouri;
(6) "Region", contiguous geographic areas of the statelarger than single counties where health programs includingspecial services for high risk patients can be developedefficiently and economically;
(7) "Service", any medical, surgical, corrective, diagnosticprocedure, or hospitalization, and related activity to correcthigh risk conditions including all things reasonably incident andnecessary to make the service available to the high risk patient;
(8) "Special services", diagnostic and treatment serviceswhich may not be efficiently or economically developed as aregular component of a hospital or clinic either because of highcost or infrequent demand but which may be required for high riskpatients; such services would include, but not be limited to,intensive care units for the care of premature infants andintra-uterine fetal monitoring.
2. Expenditures for the operation of a hospital include, butare not limited to, amounts paid in connection with inpatientcare in the hospital; ambulatory or emergency care provided bythe hospital; ambulance services used in the transportation ofpatients to the hospital or among hospitals; administration ofthe hospital; maintenance and repairs of the hospital;depreciation of hospital capital assets; food, drugs, equipmentand other supplies used by the hospital; and recruitment,selection and training of physician, nursing, allied health andother hospital personnel.
3. Funds approved under the provisions of sections 189.010to 189.085 are not restricted for paying certain operating costs,or groups of costs, but are intended to supplement theappropriations from the local governmental agency for poorpatients. Patients eligible for Medicare, Medicaid and otherthird party insurance are not eligible under this chapter.
(L. 1974 H.B. 1686 ยง 1, A.L. 1980 S.B. 847)