189.055. The department is hereby designated asadministrator of sections 189.010 to 189.085 and:
(1) Shall formulate and carry on a program to achieve thepurposes of sections 189.010 to 189.085. Such program shall bedeveloped in consultation with the advisory committeesestablished by sections 189.010 to 189.085 and in accord with therules and regulations relating to this program;
(2) Shall, to the greatest degree possible, provide forlocal or regional management and is authorized to enter intocontracts with public and private institutions, agencies andpersons for the administration of the provisions of sections189.010 to 189.085;
(3) In addition to state appropriations, the departmentshall receive and expend all funds made available by the federalgovernment, by the state or its political subdivision, or fromany other sources for such purposes; and it shall cooperate withthe federal government in developing, improving, and extendingthe services and in the administration of any state plan;
(4) Shall cooperate with other state departments andagencies of this state and with medical, health, nursing, andwelfare groups and organizations, private or public, and endeavorto coordinate the efforts of all persons and agencies interestedin the discovery, care, and rehabilitation of high risk women andchildren; and it is entitled to receive aid and assistance fromother departments and agencies of this state in carrying out theplans adopted by the department*;
(5) May receive title to property, real or personal, in allcases of gifts, devises, or bequests to the service and may actas trustee and as such receive title to property, real orpersonal, where given in trust for the benefit of the service;
(6) Shall develop a program to find and identify high riskpatients. Such program shall be developed in consultation withthe advisory committees established by sections 189.010 to189.085, with any other federal, state or local governmentalagencies presently involved or likely to be involved in thefuture with such programs and with any person presently involvedor likely to be involved in the future with such programs;
(7) Shall develop a program to evaluate at least annuallyall programs offered by any persons approved by the department ora party to any contract, agreement or cooperative endeavor withthe department relative to standards and regulations promulgatedpursuant to sections 189.010 to 189.085. A copy of suchevaluation shall be provided the governor and the members of thegeneral assembly in the form of a report submitted over thesignature of the director.
(L. 1974 H.B. 1686 ยง 10)*Word "division" appears in original rolls.