189.080. Any high risk patient residing in the state of Missouri who isin need of services because of his* condition, who has been certified by alicensed physician as having a high risk condition and who, as a person, canprobably benefit from such services and who is otherwise financially unable topay for such services shall be entitled to health services without charge tothe limit of the appropriations provided for in** sections 189.010 to 189.085. Any high risk patient who, or whose parents, guardian, or other personlegally chargeable with the support of the patient, is able to pay a portionbut not all of the expenses for the required services for the patient, shallbe entitled to the services if the patient or parent, guardian, or otherperson legally charged with the support of the patient shall pay such portionof the expenses to the hospital and physician as the patient or parent,guardian, or other person legally charged with the support of the patient isreasonably able to pay. Provided, however, that where the patient iseligible, payments will be made for such services through Medicaid, or otherinsurance benefits available to the patient will be utilized to the fullestextent. The benefits available under these sections shall not replace thoseprovided under other federal or state law or under other contractual or legalentitlements of the persons receiving them. Persons entitled to healthservices may obtain these from any available provider of services with whichan agreement is in effect under this section. The funds made available forthe purposes of sections 189.010 to 189.085 shall be disbursed so as to insurefull payment for the financially eligible for those conditions of highest riskin accord with priorities to be recommended by the coordinating committee andadopted by the director.
(L. 1974 H.B. 1686 ยง 15)*Word "their" appears in original rolls.
**Word "in" does not appear in original rolls.