191.115. 1. There is hereby established in the department of healthand senior services an "Alzheimer's State Plan Task Force". The task forceshall consist of nineteen members, as follows:
(1) The lieutenant governor or his or her designee, who shall serveas chair of the task force;
(2) The directors of the departments of health and senior services,social services, and mental health or their designees;
(3) One member of the house of representatives appointed by thespeaker of the house;
(4) One member of the senate appointed by the president pro tem ofthe senate;
(5) One member who has early-stage Alzheimer's or a related dementia;
(6) One member who is a family caregiver of a person with Alzheimer'sor a related dementia;
(7) One member who is a licensed physician with experience in thediagnosis, treatment, and research of Alzheimer's disease;
(8) One member from the office of the state ombudsman for long-termcare facility residents;
(9) One member representing the home care profession;
(10) One member representing residential long-term care;
(11) One member representing the adult day services profession;
(12) One member representing the insurance profession;
(13) One member representing the area agencies on aging;
(14) One member with expertise in minority health;
(15) One member who is a licensed elder law attorney;
(16) Two members from the leading voluntary health organization inAlzheimer's care, support, and research.
2. The members of the task force, other than the lieutenant governor,members from the general assembly, and department directors, shall beappointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate.Members shall serve on the task force without compensation.
3. The task force shall:
(1) Assess the current and future impact of Alzheimer's disease andrelated dementia on residents of the state of Missouri;
(2) Examine the existing services and resources addressing the needsof persons with dementia, their families, and caregivers; and
(3) Develop recommendations to respond to the escalating publichealth situation regarding Alzheimer's.
4. The task force shall include an examination of the following inits assessment and recommendations required to be completed undersubsection 3 of this section:
(1) Trends in state Alzheimer's and related dementia populations andtheir needs, including but not limited to the state's role in long-termcare, family caregiver support, and assistance to persons with early-stageAlzheimer's, early onset of Alzheimer's, and individuals with Alzheimer'sdisease as a result of Down's Syndrome;
(2) Existing services, resources, and capacity, including but notlimited to:
(a) Type, cost, and availability of services for persons withdementia, including home- and community-based resources, respite care toassist families, residential long-term care options, and adequacy andappropriateness of geriatric-psychiatric units for persons with behaviordisorders associated with Alzheimer's and related dementia;
(b) Dementia-specific training requirements for individuals employedto provide care for persons with dementia;
(c) Quality care measure for services delivered across the continuumof care;
(d) Capacity of public safety and law enforcement to respond topersons with Alzheimer's and related dementia;
(e) State support for Alzheimer's research through institutes ofhigher learning in Missouri;
(3) Needed state policies or responses, including but not limited todirections for the provision of clear and coordinated services and supportsto persons and families living with Alzheimer's and related dementias andstrategies to address any identified gaps in services.
5. The task force shall hold a minimum of one meeting at four diversegeographic regions in the state of Missouri during the calendar year toseek public input.
6. The task force shall submit a report of its findings anddate-specific recommendations to the general assembly and the governor inthe form of a state Alzheimer's plan no later than November 15, 2010, aspart of Alzheimer's disease awareness month.
7. The task force shall continue to meet at the request of the chairand at a minimum of one time annually for the purpose of evaluating theimplementation and impact of the task force recommendations and provideannual supplemental reports on the findings to the governor and the generalassembly.
8. The provisions of this section shall expire on November 1, 2012.
(L. 2009 H.B. 272)Expires 11-01-12