191.231. 1. The county commission may, by a majority vote, designatethe county as a community-based integrated delivery system or a member of acommunity-based integrated delivery system. A standard metropolitanstatistical area, or any part thereof, which contains more than one millionpersons shall not be designated as a community-based integrated deliverysystem.
2. In order to qualify for a designation under this section, acommunity-based integrated delivery system shall be established and operatedin accordance with this section. A community-based integrated delivery systemmay:
(1) Improve access to health care for residents of the district;
(2) Coordinate the development of new health services in the district;and
(3) Consider various alternatives for integrating the services of thehealth care delivery system in the district.
3. The boundaries of a community-based integrated delivery system may becoextensive with the boundaries of a county or a group of member counties.
4. The community-based integrated delivery system shall be organized asa not-for-profit corporation and shall be governed by a board of directors ofnot more than eleven persons, except that, if a system includes more thaneleven counties, then the board of directors shall be comprised of one memberfrom each county. The members of the board shall represent a cross section ofcommunity interests. The board of directors of a system shall be chosen bythe governor from lists submitted by county commissioners whose districts areincluded in the community-based integrated delivery system.
5. The board of directors of the community-based integrated deliverysystem shall possess and exercise all of its legislative and executive powers. Within thirty days after the appointment of the initial directors, the boardshall meet. At its first meeting the board shall elect a chairman from itsmembers and select a secretary and treasurer and such officers or employees asit deems expedient or necessary for the accomplishment of its corporateobjectives. The secretary and treasurer need not be members of the board. Atthe meeting, the board shall define the first and subsequent fiscal years ofthe system and shall adopt a corporate seal and bylaws, which shall determinethe times for the annual election of officers and of other regular and specialmeetings of the board and shall contain the rules for the transaction of otherbusiness of the system and for amending the bylaws. Each director of anysystem shall serve without compensation.
6. A community-based integrated delivery system shall develop plans foraccess to health care for residents of the system and shall determine systemhealth care needs. The community-based integrated delivery system shall nothave the power to tax.
(L. 1993 H.B. 564 ยง 28)