191.665. 1. Provisions of chapter 213, RSMo, shall apply toindividuals with HIV infection, acquired immunodeficiencysyndrome and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related complex;provided that such protection shall not include an individual whohas a currently contagious disease or infection and who, byreason of such disease or infection, would constitute a directthreat to the health or safety of other individuals or who, byreason of the currently contagious disease or infection, isunable to perform the duties of their employment.
2. Subsection 1 of this section shall not be construed tomean that any action taken by the Missouri commission on humanrights prior to June 1, 1988, concerning discrimination againstany individual on the basis that such individual has HIVinfection or is perceived to have HIV infection to be an improperexercise of authority by the commission.
(L. 1988 H.B. 1151 & 1044 ยง 6)Effective 6-1-88