191.735. 1. The directors of the department of health and seniorservices, mental health and social services and the commissioner of thedepartment of elementary and secondary education shall establishmultidisciplinary teams in areas deemed appropriate. Such teams shall act inan advisory capacity for local physicians or health care providers and shallinclude as a minimum a public health nurse, a representative of a hospitalstaff, an experienced child protection supervisor from the division of familyservices, an obstetrician, a neonatologist, pediatrician or a family practicephysician with an interest in perinatal medicine, a medical social worker, achild psychologist and a drug treatment provider. No compensation shall bepaid to the members of the multidisciplinary teams. These teams shall reportto the director of the department of health and senior services. Necessaryexpenses of the teams may be paid from appropriations of the department ofhealth and senior services upon approval by the director.
2. The director, in conjunction with the department of mental health,the department of elementary and secondary education, and the department ofsocial services, shall ensure that these teams are trained in health issuesaffecting pregnant mothers and their babies, care in the home for medicallycomplex infants, developmental impairments of exposed infants and treatmentresources for drug-abusing families. The teams should also receive trainingin child protection aspects of intervention in child abuse and neglect casesand the various types of alternative resources available.
3. The local multidisciplinary teams shall ensure local cooperation inthe implementation of sections 191.725 to 191.735.
(L. 1991 S.B. 190 ยง 6)Effective 7-1-92