191.807. 1. State supplemental funding for the Special SupplementalFood Program or Women, Infants and Children Special Supplemental Food Program(WIC) is hereby authorized, subject to appropriations, with the goal to be onehundred percent coverage of all eligible women and children by the year 2002.
2. One percent of the state supplemental funding authorized by thissection shall be set aside in a separate fund to be used by the department ofhealth and senior services to fund grants to county health offices thatoperate a special supplemental food program for women, infants and children*(WIC). Grants from this fund shall be used by such county health offices forextending hours of service in order that services will be available to WICclients during evening hours or on Saturdays. The maximum grant allowablepursuant to this program is ten thousand dollars per county, and no county mayreceive a grant for more than three consecutive years. The department ofhealth and senior services shall establish rules and regulations to administerthe grant program which would ensure distribution of grants according tocounty poverty levels and projected increase in participation in counties.
(L. 1992 S.B. 449 ยง 4)*Words "Children's Program" appear here in original rolls.