191.810. 1. By January 1, 1993, the department of health and seniorservices shall establish standards for a summer food service program foreligible children pursuant to the provisions of 42 U.S.C. 1761.
2. By July 1, 1993, those areas of the state whose perimeters aredefined by school districts which have fifty percent or more of their childreneligible for free or reduced price lunches, and where more than forty childrencongregate at a service institution, shall have at least one summer foodservice program in operation providing meals to all children, both breakfastand lunch, if practicable. For the purposes of this section:
(1) "Program" means the summer food service program for childrenauthorized by 42 U.S.C. 1761;
(2) "Service institution" means public or private nonprofit school foodauthorities, local, municipal, or county governments, public or privatenonprofit higher education institutions participating in the National YouthSports Program, and residential public or private nonprofit summer camps thatdevelop special summer or school vacation programs providing food servicesimilar to that made available to children during the school year under theschool lunch program or the school breakfast program under the Child NutritionAct of 1966, 42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq.
3. The following order of priority shall be used in determiningparticipation where more than one service institution is eligible to serve thesame area:
(1) Local schools or service institutions that have demonstratedsuccessful program performance in a prior year;
(2) Service institutions that prepare meals at their own facilities oroperate only one site;
(3) Service institutions that use local school food facilities for thepreparation of meals;
(4) Other service institutions that have demonstrated ability forsuccessful program operation;
(5) Service institutions that plan to integrate the program withfederal, state or local employment programs; and
(6) Private nonprofit organizations eligible under 42 U.S.C. 1761(7).
4. A school shall receive a waiver from the requirements of this sectionif the school board of the school district by majority vote adopts aresolution requesting a waiver.
5. A school district requesting a waiver must file in writingnotification that it has adopted a resolution which excuses the district fromthe requirements of this section. Such writing shall be filed with theMissouri department of elementary and secondary education. Such a waivershall be valid for a period* of three years.
(L. 1992 S.B. 449 ยง 5)*Word "period" inadvertently omitted from original rolls.