191.831. 1. There is hereby established in the state treasury a"Health Initiatives Fund", to which shall be deposited all revenuesdesignated for the fund under subsection 8 of section 149.015, RSMo, andsubsection 3 of section 149.160, RSMo, and section 167.609, RSMo, and allother funds donated to the fund or otherwise deposited pursuant to law.The state treasurer shall administer the fund. Money in the fund shall beappropriated to provide funding for implementing the new programs andinitiatives established by sections 105.711 and 105.721, RSMo. The moneysin the fund may further be used to fund those programs established bysections 191.411, 191.520 and 191.600, sections 208.151 and 208.152, RSMo,and sections 103.178, RSMo, 143.999, RSMo, 167.600 to 167.621, RSMo,188.230, RSMo, 191.211, 191.231, 191.825 to 191.839, 192.013, RSMo,208.177, 208.178, 208.179 and 208.181, RSMo, 211.490, RSMo, 285.240, RSMo,337.093, RSMo, 374.126, RSMo, 376.891 to 376.894, RSMo, 431.064, RSMo,660.016, 660.017 and 660.018, RSMo; in addition, not less than fifteenpercent of the proceeds deposited to the health initiative fund pursuant tosections 149.015 and 149.160, RSMo, shall be appropriated annually toprovide funding for the C-STAR substance abuse rehabilitation program ofthe department of mental health, or its successor program, and a C-STARpilot project developed by the director of the division of alcohol and drugabuse and the director of the department of corrections as an alternativeto incarceration, as provided in subsections 2, 3, and 4 of this section.Such pilot project shall be known as the "Alt-care" program. In addition,some of the proceeds deposited to the health initiatives fund pursuant tosections 149.015 and 149.160, RSMo, shall be appropriated annually to thedivision of alcohol and drug abuse of the department of mental health to beused for the administration and oversight of the substance abuse trafficoffenders program defined in section 302.010, RSMo, and section 577.001,RSMo. The provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, to the contrarynotwithstanding, money in the health initiatives fund shall not betransferred at the close of the biennium to the general revenue fund.
2. The director of the division of alcohol and drug abuse and thedirector of the department of corrections shall develop and administer apilot project to provide a comprehensive substance abuse treatment andrehabilitation program as an alternative to incarceration, hereinafterreferred to as "Alt-care". Alt-care shall be funded using money providedunder subsection 1 of this section through the Missouri Medicaid program,the C-STAR program of the department of mental health, and the division ofalcohol and drug abuse's purchase-of-service system. Alt-care shall offera flexible combination of clinical services and living arrangementsindividually adapted to each client and her children. Alt-care shallconsist of the following components:
(1) Assessment and treatment planning;
(2) Community support to provide continuity, monitoring of progressand access to services and resources;
(3) Counseling from individual to family therapy;
(4) Day treatment services which include accessibility seven days perweek, transportation to and from the Alt-care program, weekly drug testing,leisure activities, weekly events for families and companions, job andeducation preparedness training, peer support and self-help and dailyliving skills; and
(5) Living arrangement options which are permanent, substance-freeand conducive to treatment and recovery.
3. Any female who is pregnant or is the custodial parent of a childor children under the age of twelve years, and who has pleaded guilty to orfound guilty of violating the provisions of chapter 195, RSMo, and whosecontrolled substance abuse was a precipitating or contributing factor inthe commission of the offense, and who is placed on probation may berequired, as a condition of probation, to participate in Alt-care, if spaceis available in the pilot project area. Determinations of eligibility forthe program, placement, and continued participation shall be made by thedivision of alcohol and drug abuse, in consultation with the department ofcorrections.
4. The availability of space in Alt-care shall be determined by thedirector of the division of alcohol and drug abuse in conjunction with thedirector of the department of corrections. If the sentencing court isadvised that there is no space available, the court shall consider otherauthorized dispositions.
(L. 1993 H.B. 564 ยง 23, A.L. 2003 H.B. 600)Effective 7-01-03