191.853. 1. The "Missouri Assistive Technology Advisory Council" ishereby established, as created pursuant to the Missouri state grant underTitle I of the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with DisabilitiesAct of 1988, P.L. 100-407.
2. The voting membership of the advisory council shall be composed oftwenty-three members. The members of the council that are serving on August28, 1993, shall continue to serve in their normal capacities. The originaltwenty-one members shall determine by lot which seven are to have a one-yearterm, which seven are to have a two-year term, and which seven are to have athree-year term. Thereafter, the successors to each of the twenty-one membersshall serve a three-year term and until his successor is appointed by thegovernor. The members appointed by the governor shall include twelve consumerrepresentatives, the group consisting of individuals with disabilities,parents, spouses, or guardians of individuals with disabilities and shallinclude a variety of types of disabilities across the age span from allgeographic areas of the state, and nine agency representatives, the groupconsisting of one representative of the division of vocational rehabilitation,one representative of the division of special education, one representative ofthe department of insurance, financial institutions and professionalregistration, one representative of rehabilitation services for the blind, onerepresentative of the division of medical services, one representative of thedepartment of health and senior services, one representative of the departmentof mental health, and two representatives of other agencies or organizationsresponsible for the service delivery, policy implementation, and funding ofassistive technology. In addition, one member who is a member of the house ofrepresentatives shall be appointed by the speaker of the house and one memberwho is a member of the senate shall be appointed by the president pro temporeof the senate. The appointment of individuals representing state agenciesshall be conditioned on their continued employment with their respectiveagencies.
3. A chairperson shall be elected by the council. The council shallmeet at the call of the chairperson, but not less often than four times eachyear.
(L. 1993 H.B. 589 ยง 2 subsecs. 1, 2, 3)