194.080. The body of any person having died of diphtheria(membranous croup), scarlet fever (scarlatina or scarlet rash),glanders, anthrax, leprosy or smallpox shall not be offered to oraccepted by any common carrier for transportation unless: (1)It shall have been thoroughly embalmed by arterial and cavityinjection with a disinfecting fluid, the orifices disinfected andpacked with cotton, and the whole exterior of the body washedwith a disinfecting fluid; or (2) unless it shall have beencompletely wrapped in a sheet that is saturated with a solutionof bichloride of mercury, in the proportion of one ounce ofbichloride of mercury to one gallon of water, and encased in anairtight metal or metal-lined burial case, coffin, casket or boxthat is closed and hermetically sealed.
(RSMo 1939 § 9785)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9064; 1919 § 5820; 1909 § 6688