194.120. 1. That the heads of departments of anatomy,professors and associate professors of anatomy at the educationalinstitutions of the state of Missouri which are now or mayhereafter become incorporated, and in which said educationalinstitutions human anatomy is investigated or taught to studentsin attendance at said educational institutions, shall be andhereby are constituted the "Missouri State Anatomical Board",herein referred to in sections 194.120 to 194.180 as "the board".
2. The board shall have exclusive charge and control of thedisposal and delivery of dead human bodies, as described insections 194.120 to 194.180, to and among such educationalinstitutions as under the provisions of said sections areentitled thereto.
3. The secretary of the board shall keep an accurate recordof all bodies received and distributed by the board, showing thedates of receipt and distribution, the sources from which theycame to the board, and the name and address of the educationalinstitutions to which the same were sent, which record shall beat all times open to the inspection of each member of the boardand of any prosecuting attorney or circuit attorney of any countyor city within the state of Missouri.
(RSMo 1939 § 9998)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9128; 1919 § 7343; 1909 § 8324
Board transferred to department of higher education by the Reorganization Act of 1974. See section 173.005.