194.150. 1. Superintendents or wardens of penitentiaries,houses of correction and bridewells, hospitals, insane asylumsand poorhouses, and coroners, sheriffs, jailers, city and countyundertakers, and all other state, county, town or city officershaving the custody of the body of any deceased person required tobe buried at public expense, shall be and hereby are requiredimmediately to notify the secretary of the board, or the personduly designated by the board or by its secretary to receive suchnotice, whenever any such body or bodies come into his or theircustody, charge or control, and shall, without fee or reward,deliver, within a period not to exceed thirty-six hours afterdeath, except in cases within the jurisdiction of a coroner whereretention for a longer time may be necessary, such body or bodiesinto the custody of the board and permit the board or its agentor agents to take and remove all such bodies, or otherwisedispose of them; provided, that each educational institutionreceiving a body from the board shall hold such body for at leastthirty days, during which time any relative or friend of any suchdeceased person or persons shall have the right to take andreceive the dead body from the possession of any person in whosecharge or custody it may be found, for the purpose of interment,upon paying the expense of such interment.
2. Each educational institution securing a dead body shallpay all necessary expense incurred in the delivery thereof,including cost of notice to the secretary of the board or hisagent, which notice shall be by telegraph, when necessary toinsure immediate notice. A correct record of all such bodies,including the name and date of death, shall be kept in a bookprovided for that purpose by the county clerk of the county inwhich such person died, and by the city health commissioner ofthe city of St. Louis, and such record shall be promptlyfurnished said officer by the person or persons reporting saidbodies to the secretary of the board or his agent.
3. Whenever any person fails to give the notice and deliverthe body of a deceased person as required by this section, and byreason of such failure such body shall become unfit foranatomical purposes, and is so certified by the duly authorizedofficer or agent of the board, such body shall be buried at theexpense of the person so failing to notify and deliver such body.
(RSMo 1939 § 10000)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9129; 1919 § 7344; 1909 § 8325