194.407. 1. In cases where an unmarked human burial orhuman skeletal remains are discovered as a result of constructionor agricultural earth disturbing activities and where the statehistoric preservation officer has been determined to havejurisdiction, the state historic preservation officer shalldetermine whether removal of the human skeletal remains isnecessary and appropriate for the purpose of scientific analysis.A general archaeological investigation of the site shall beconducted by a professional archaeologist and the professionalarchaeologist shall advise the state historic preservationofficer of the physical location and the cultural and biologicalcharacteristics of the unmarked human burial or human skeletalremains within thirty days after the state historic preservationofficer assumed jurisdiction over the burial or remains.
2. In cases where an unmarked human burial or skeletalremains are discovered by a professional archaeologist in thecourse of an investigation, and where the state historicpreservation officer has been determined to have jurisdiction,the professional archaeologist shall advise the state historicpreservation officer of the physical location and the culturaland biological characteristics of the unmarked human burial orhuman skeletal remains within thirty days after the statehistoric officer assumed jurisdiction.
3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein containedno construction shall be suspended or delayed more than thirtydays.
(L. 1987 S.B. 24 ยง 4)