194.408. Whenever an unmarked human burial or human skeletalremains are reported to the state historic preservation officer,the state historic preservation officer shall proceed as follows:
(1) Insofar as possible, the state historic preservationofficer shall make reasonable efforts to identify and locatepersons who can establish direct kinship with or descent from theindividual whose remains constitute the burial. The statehistoric preservation officer, in consultation with the mostclosely related family member, shall determine the properdisposition of the remains;
(2) When no direct kin or descendants can be identified orlocated, but the burial or remains can be shown to have ethnicaffinity with living peoples, the state historic preservationofficer in consultation with the leaders of the ethnic groupshaving a relation to the burial or remains shall determine theproper disposition of the remains. But, if the state historicpreservation officer determines the burial or remains arescientifically significant, no reinterment shall occur until theburial or remains have been examined by a skeletal analystdesignated by the state historic preservation officer. In noevent shall reinterment be delayed more than one year;
(3) When the burial or remains cannot be related to anyliving peoples, the state historic preservation officer, inconsultation with the unmarked human burial consultationcommittee, shall determine the proper disposition of the burialor remains. But, if the state historic preservation officerdetermines the burial or remains are scientifically significant,no reinterment shall occur until the burial or remains have beenexamined by a skeletal analyst designated by the state historicpreservation officer. In no event shall reinterment be delayedmore than one year unless otherwise and to the extent determinedby the committee;
(4) Notwithstanding subdivisions (2) and (3) of this sectionthe state historical preservation officer may seek approval fromthe unmarked human burial consultation committee to delayreinterment of the remains for an additional scientific study ina facility chosen by the state historic preservation officer. Ifthe study is approved by the committee reinterment shall bedelayed for a period as specified by the committee.
(L. 1987 S.B. 24 ยง 5)