195.135. 1. A search warrant may issue, and execution andseizure may be had, as provided in the rules of criminalprocedure for the courts of Missouri, for any controlledsubstance or imitation controlled substance unlawfully in thepossession or under the control of any person, or for any drugparaphernalia for the unauthorized administration or use ofcontrolled substances or imitation controlled substances in thepossession or under the control of any person.
2. Any peace officer of the state, upon making an arrest fora violation of this chapter, shall seize without warrant anycontrolled substance or imitation controlled substance or drugparaphernalia kept for the unauthorized administration or use ofa controlled substance or imitation controlled substance in thepossession or under the control of the person or personsarrested, providing such seizure shall be made incident to thearrest.
(L. 1953 p. 625, A.L. 1971 H.B. 69, A.L. 1982 S.B. 522)