195.197. The department of health and senior services shall cooperatewith federal and other state agencies including the board of pharmacy indischarging its responsibilities concerning traffic in controlled substances,narcotic or dangerous drugs and in suppressing the abuse of controlledsubstances. To this end, it is authorized to:
(1) Arrange for the exchange of information between governmentalofficials concerning the use and abuse of controlled substances;
(2) Coordinate and cooperate in training programs on controlledsubstance law enforcement at the local and state levels;
(3) Provide information to distributors and retailers to help preventthe distribution or diversion of products or substances used in the illicitmanufacture of controlled substances.
(L. 1971 H.B. 69, A.L. 1997 H.B. 635, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1147, et al.)