195.507. 1. A county bordering another state may enter intoagreement with the political subdivisions in such other state's contiguouscounty pursuant to section 70.220, RSMo, to form a multijurisdictionalenforcement group for the enforcement of drug and controlled substance lawsand work in cooperation pursuant to sections 195.501 to 195.511.
2. Such other state's law enforcement officers may be deputized asofficers of the counties of this state participating in an agreementpursuant to subsection 1 of this section, and shall be deemed to have metall requirements of peace officer training and certification pursuant tochapter 590, RSMo, for the purposes of conducting investigations and makingarrests in this state pursuant to the provisions of section 195.505,provided such officers have satisfied the applicable peace officer trainingand certification standards in force in such other state.
3. Such other state's law enforcement officers shall have the samepowers and immunities when working under an agreement pursuant tosubsection 1 of this section as if working under an agreement with anotherpolitical subdivision in Missouri pursuant to section 70.815, RSMo.
4. A multijurisdictional enforcement group formed pursuant to thissection is eligible to receive state grants to help defray the costs of itsoperation pursuant to the terms of section 195.509.
5. The provisions of subsections 2, 3, and 4 of this section shallnot be in force unless such other state has provided or shall provide legalauthority for its political subdivisions to enter into such agreements andto extend reciprocal powers and privileges to the law enforcement officersof this state working pursuant to such agreements.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1147, et al.)