197.357. For the purposes of reimbursement under section208.152, RSMo, project costs for new institutional healthservices in excess of ten percent of the initial project estimatewhether or not approval was obtained under subsection 7 ofsection 197.315 shall not be eligible for reimbursement for thefirst three years that a facility receives payment for servicesprovided under section 208.152, RSMo. The initial estimate shallbe that amount for which the original certificate of need wasobtained or, in the case of facilities for which a bindingconstruction or purchase contract was executed prior to October1, 1980, the amount of that contract. Reimbursement for theseexcess costs after the first three years shall not be made untila certificate of need has been granted for the excess projectcosts. The provisions of this section shall apply only tofacilities which file an application for a certificate of need ormake application for cost-overrun review of their originalapplication or waiver after August 13, 1982.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1086)