197.415. 1. The department shall review the applications and shallissue a license to applicants who have complied with the requirements ofsections 197.400 to 197.475 and have received approval of the department.
2. A license shall be renewed annually upon approval of thedepartment when the following conditions have been met:
(1) The application for renewal is accompanied by asix-hundred-dollar license fee;
(2) The home health agency is in compliance with the requirementsestablished pursuant to the provisions of sections 197.400 to 197.475 asevidenced by a survey inspection by the department which shall occur atleast every thirty-six months for agencies that have been in operationthirty-six consecutive months from initial inspection. The frequency ofinspections for agencies in operation at least thirty-six consecutivemonths from the initial inspection shall be determined by such factors asnumber of complaints received and changes in management, supervision orownership. The frequency of each survey inspection for any agency inoperation less than thirty-six consecutive months from the initialinspection shall occur and be conducted at least every twelve months;
(3) The application is accompanied by a statement of any changes inthe information previously filed with the department pursuant to section197.410.
3. Each license shall be issued only for the home health agencylisted in the application. Licenses shall be posted in a conspicuous placein the main offices of the licensed home health agency.
4. In lieu of any survey required by sections 197.400 to 197.475, thedepartment may accept in whole or in part written reports of the survey ofany state or federal agency, or of any professional accrediting agency, ifsuch survey:
(1) Is comparable in scope and method to the department's surveys;and
(2) Is conducted within one year of initial application or withinthirty-six months for the renewal of the home health license as required bysubdivision (2) of subsection 2 of this section.
(L. 1983 H.B. 51 ยง 4, subsecs. 1, 2, 3, A.L. 1997 H.B. 643 merged with S.B. 373)