198.136. No operator or affiliate may be held liable foracts or omissions of the receiver or the receiver's employeesduring the term of the receivership. Nothing in sections 198.099to 198.136 shall be deemed to relieve any operator or anyaffiliate of an operator of a facility placed in receivership ofany civil or criminal liability incurred, or any duty imposed bylaw, by reason of acts or omissions of the operator or affiliatesof the operator prior to the appointment of a receiver undersection 198.105 or 198.108, nor shall anything contained insections 198.099 to 198.136 be construed to suspend during thereceivership any obligation of the operator or any affiliate ofan operator for payment of taxes or other operating andmaintenance expenses of the facility, nor of the operator oraffiliates of the operator for the payment of mortgages or liens.
(L. 1979 S.B. 328, et al. ยง 44)Effective 7-1-79