198.510. 1. Any facility which offers to provide or provides care forpersons with Alzheimer's disease by means of an Alzheimer's special care unitor Alzheimer's special care program shall be required to disclose the form ofcare or treatment provided that distinguishes that unit or program as beingespecially applicable, or suitable for persons with Alzheimer's or dementia.The disclosure shall be made to the department which licenses the facility,agency or center giving the special care. At the time of admission of apatient requiring treatment rendered by the Alzheimer's special care program,a copy of the disclosure made to the department shall be delivered by thefacility to the patient and the patient's next of kin, designee, or guardian.The licensing department shall examine all such disclosures in thedepartment's records and verify the information on the disclosure for accuracyas part of the facility's regular license renewal procedure.
2. The department of social services and the department of health andsenior services shall develop a single disclosure form to be completed by thefacility, agency or center giving the special care. The information requiredto be disclosed by subsection 1 of this section on this form shall include, ifapplicable, an explanation of how the care is different from the rest of thefacility in the following areas:
(1) The Alzheimer's special care unit's or program's written statementof its overall philosophy and mission which reflects the need of residentsafflicted with dementia;
(2) The process and criteria for placement in, transfer or dischargefrom, the unit or program;
(3) The process used for assessment and establishment of the plan ofcare and its implementation, including the method by which the plan of careevolves and is responsive to changes in condition;
(4) Staff training and continuing education practices;
(5) The physical environment and design features appropriate to supportthe functioning of cognitively impaired adult residents;
(6) The frequency and types of resident activities;
(7) The involvement of families and the availability of family supportprograms;
(8) The costs of care and any additional fees; and
(9) Safety and security measures.
(L. 1996 H.B. 781 ยง 3)