198.528. 1. The department of health and senior services shallprovide through its Internet web site:
(1) The most recent survey of every long-term care facility licensedin this state and any such findings of deficiencies and the effect thedeficiency would have on such facility. If such survey is in dispute, thesurvey shall not be posted on the web site until the facility's informaldispute resolution process resolves the dispute and the department shall,upon request of the facility, post the facility's response;
(2) The facility's proposed plan of correction;
(3) A link to the federal web site that provides a summary offacility surveys conducted over the last three years; and
(4) Information on how to obtain a copy of a complete facility surveyconducted over the last three years.
2. Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring thedepartment to post any information on its Internet web site that isprohibited from disclosure pursuant to the federal Health InsurancePortability and Accountability Act, as amended.
(L. 2003 S.B. 556 & 311)