198.531. 1. The division of aging, in collaboration with qualifiedMissouri schools and universities, shall establish an aging-in-place pilotprogram at a maximum of four selected sites throughout the state which willprovide a continuum of care for elders who need long-term care. Forpurposes of this section, "qualified Missouri schools and universities"means any Missouri school or university which has a school of nursing, agraduate nursing program, or any other similar program or specializedexpertise in the areas of aging, long-term care or health services for theelderly.
2. The pilot program shall:
(1) Deliver a full range of physical and mental health services toresidents in the least restrictive environment of choice to reduce thenecessity of relocating such residents to other locations as their healthcare needs change;
(2) Base licensure on services provided rather than on facility type;and
(3) Be established in selected urban, rural and regional sitesthroughout the state.
3. The directors of the division of aging and division of medicalservices shall apply for all federal waivers necessary to provide Medicaidreimbursement for health care services received through the aging-in-placepilot program.
4. The division of aging shall monitor the pilot program and reportto the general assembly on the effectiveness of such program, includingquality of care, resident satisfaction and cost-effectiveness to includethe cost equivalent of unpaid or volunteer labor.
5. Developments authorized by this section shall be exempt from theprovisions of sections 197.300 to 197.367, RSMo, and shall be licensed bythe division of aging.
(L. 1999 S.B. 326 ยง 9, A.L. 2001 S.B. 266)