198.600. 1. The department of health and senior services shallestablish a "Uniform Data Management Pilot Program" at a minimum of fiftyselected facilities of varying licensure or classification throughout thestate to improve patient care and retention of nursing facility staff. Thedepartment shall determine the nature and extent of the pilot program andprovide all necessary resources.
2. The pilot program shall be implemented no later than six monthsafter funding for the pilot program is made available.
3. The pilot program shall:
(1) Encourage the utilization of existing or the purchase of newsoftware in an effort to modernize the procedures for compiling anddisseminating data for long-term care facilities;
(2) Enable physicians, licensed nurses, and facility personnel todevote more quality time to patient care; and
(3) Be established in selected urban, rural, and regional sitesthroughout the state.
4. The department of health and senior services shall monitor thepilot program and report to the general assembly by January first nextfollowing the implementation of the pilot program pursuant to this sectionon the effectiveness of such program, including quality of care, employeesatisfaction, and cost-effectiveness.
(L. 2003 S.B. 556 & 311)