205.460. 1. When twenty-five percent of the voters in anytownship or townships in this state, forty percent of whom shallnot live at the time they subscribe thereto within any town ofsaid township or townships shall petition the county commissionof the county of which said township or townships is a part,asking that a tax not to exceed one-half of one cent on eachdollar be levied for one year only and thereafter an annual taxnot to exceed two mills on the dollar for the establishing,either by purchase or otherwise or leasing, equipping andmaintaining a hospital at some place in such township ortownships to be set forth in said petition, for the care andtreatment of the sick and disabled therein, such countycommission shall submit the question to the voters at anelection.
2. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall there be a ..... tax for the first year and a .... taxthereafter for a hospital?
3. The notice shall include the rate of taxation to be votedupon. If two-thirds of the voters of each township voting onsaid proposition shall vote for such tax, the said tax specifiedin such notice shall be levied and collected in like manner asother general taxes of said township or townships and be known as"Hospital Fund" and turned over by the collector of said tax tothe treasurer of such hospital. The tax shall cease in case thevoters in such township or townships by a two-thirds vote of thetotal vote cast at a municipal election held therein shall sodetermine.
(RSMo 1939 § 15210, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revision: 1929 § 13993