205.988. In addition to duties and powers elsewhere providedin sections 205.975 to 205.990, the department shall do thefollowing:
(1) Develop and establish arrangements and procedures forthe effective coordination and integration of department servicesand community mental health services;
(2) Provide consultative services to counties seeking toestablish or support community mental health services, andprovide other consultative services to the counties, communitymental health centers, mental health clinics, or anycomprehensive mental health service as the department may deemfeasible and appropriate;
(3) Develop and collect information needed to perform itsduties in such a manner that the identity of any individual whoreceives a service from an entity receiving funds pursuant tosections 205.975 to 205.990 shall be confidential in accordancewith state and federal law.
(L. 1978 S.B. 652)