206.105. 1. The board of hospital trustees shall include inits bylaws that every physician, a podiatrist and dentistrequesting permission to practice in its hospital shall submit anapplication for staff membership in writing to it upon formsapproved by the board. In his application each applicant shallgive specifically his training and qualifications, hiswillingness to accept the board as the supreme governingauthority of the hospital, his willingness to abide by the bylawsof the board and the staff in all respects, and his determinationto practice his profession in a manner which is legal, moral, andethical. A written copy of all such bylaws, with any amendments,shall be kept on file in the office of the hospital administratorand shall be available to all staff members and applicants duringnormal business hours.
2. The professional staff of the hospital shall be anorganized group which shall initiate and, with the approval ofthe board, adopt bylaws, rules, regulations, and policiesgoverning professional activities in the hospital. Generalpractitioners may practice in the hospital in accordance withtheir competence as recommended by the professional staff and asauthorized by the board.
(L. 1971 H.B. 301)