214.030. The cemetery lots owned by such county, city, town orvillage shall be conveyed by deed signed by the mayor or presidingcommissioner of said county, city, town or village, duly attested by theclerk of such county, city, town or village, or other officer performingthe duties of clerk, and shall vest in the purchaser, his or her heirs andassigns, a right in fee simple to such lot for the sole purpose ofinterment pursuant to the regulations of the council or commission, exceptthat such fee simple right may be revested in the county, city, town orvillage pursuant to section 214.035.
(RSMo 1939 § 15278, A.L. 2001 H.B. 408)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14069; 1919 § 1093; 1909 § 1315