214.040. 1. Every person or association which owns anycemetery in which dead human remains are or may be buried orotherwise interred, except a private or family cemetery, shallcause to be maintained in an office in the cemetery, or in anoffice within a reasonable distance of the cemetery, a plat ofsuch cemetery showing the entire area and location of thecemetery, the portion thereof which is formally dedicated forthe burial of dead human remains, all burial lots or intermentspaces, and all walks, roads, improvements and features. Thecemetery operator shall cause the plat to be updated from timeto time as is necessary to cause the plat to remain current.
2. The cemetery operator shall also cause to be maintainedat such office a record of the owner of each burial lot orinterment space described in the current plat of the cemeteryand a record of all dead human remains buried or interred at thecemetery, which record shall include the name of each deceasedperson buried or interred at the cemetery, the date of burial orinterment, the location of burial or interment and, if known,the name and address of the funeral director who provided thememorial service or other final arrangements for the deceasedperson. The cemetery operator shall cause reasonable assistanceto be provided to burial lot or interment space owners inlocating their lots or spaces and to the family or otherinterested persons in locating the place of burial or intermentof deceased persons whose remains are buried or interred in thecemetery.
(RSMo 1939 § 15261, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1079)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14052; 1919 § 1080; 1909 § 1302
(1959) The fact that the purchaser's name was not placed upon the plat of the cemetery lot as required by this section does not cause the purchaser to lose title to the lot. The burden of placing the name on the plat was upon the owner of the cemetery and not upon the purchaser. Billings v. Paine (Mo.), 319 S.W.2d 653.