214.060. Whenever it is desired to have any street, avenue,thoroughfare or place in any cemetery vacated, the corporation,association or person owning or controlling such cemetery shallpresent to the county commission of the county within which suchcemetery is located, at a regular or adjourned term of suchcommission, a petition praying for such vacation, particularlydescribing the street, avenue, thoroughfare or place sought to bevacated, and shall file with such petition proof that notice ofthe filing of such petition has been given for at least twentydays by at least three printed or written notices posted inpublic places in such cemetery, at least one of which shall beposted in each street, avenue, thoroughfare or place sought to bevacated, and published in some newspaper, if such there be,published in the town or city in which or adjacent or approximateto which such cemetery is located. If a remonstrance signed byany three lot owners of such cemetery remonstrating againstgranting the prayer of such petition be filed on or before thefirst day of the term at which such petition is filed, then thecounty commission shall inform itself as to the propriety ofgranting such petition, and if the commission be of the opinionthat the petition should be granted, or if no remonstrance be sofiled, the county commission shall make an order vacating thestreets, avenues, thoroughfares and places as prayed for in thepetition, and the title to the lands so vacated shall revert tothe corporation, association or person by whom the cemetery wasplatted or to the successors of such corporation, association orperson.
(RSMo 1939 § 15273)Prior revision: 1929 § 14064