214.080. Whenever it shall become absolutely necessary toenlarge any public burial ground or cemetery, and when thepublic, to the number of five or more persons, interested in theenlargement of said burial grounds or cemetery, and the owner orowners of the adjoining land, cannot agree as to the price to bepaid for the same, or for any other cause cannot secure a titlethereto, the public, to the number of five or more persons, mayproceed to condemn the same, in the same manner as provided bylaw for condemnation, appropriation and valuation, in cases oflands taken for telegraph and railroad purposes; and on suchcondemnation, and the payment of the appraisement as thereinprovided, the title of such land shall vest in the public for thepurposes and uses only for which it was taken.
(RSMo 1939 § 15275)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14066; 1919 § 1088; 1909 § 1310