214.131. Every person who shall knowingly destroy, mutilate,disfigure, deface, injure or remove any tomb, monument orgravestone, or other structure placed in any abandoned familycemetery or private burying ground, or any fence, railing, orother work for the protection or ornamentation of any suchcemetery or place of burial of any human being, or tomb, monumentor gravestone, memento, or memorial, or other structureaforesaid, or of any lot within such cemetery is guilty of aclass A misdemeanor. For the purposes of this section andsubsection 1 of section 214.132, an "abandoned family cemetery"or "private burying ground" shall include those cemeteries orburying grounds which have not been deeded to the public asprovided in chapter 214, and in which no body has been interredfor at least twenty-five years.
(L. 1987 H.B. 60 ยง 1)