214.170. Any responsible organization or individual, who isdirectly interested in a particular cemetery, who is willing toundertake the administration of the income from all trusts andgifts to this particular cemetery shall be designated by thecommission to administer the said income and shall make an annualreport to the commission. Any time the organization orindividual so appointed fails to maintain and beautify saidcemetery in keeping with the income, the commission shall appointsome other organization or individual to administer the aforesaidincome. Where there is no responsible organization orindividual, that is willing to undertake the administration ofthe said income from the trusts or gifts to any particularcemetery, the commission shall administer same, or appoint someorganization or individual, who is responsible to administer thesame, making the said annual report to the commission. Thecommission shall retain five percent of the incomes from alltrusts and gifts to create a fund to reimburse any trust or giftwhich has a loss. The commission shall have authority toincrease or decrease the said five percent as may be necessary tokeep all trusts and gifts intact.
(RSMo 1939 § 15270)Prior revision: 1929 § 14061