214.250. Before any new burial ground, cemetery or graveyardcan be opened up, established, started or operated in any town,village, city, county, township, school district or any otherpolitical subdivision of the state, in any county of class one,it shall be necessary first to obtain a written petition,addressed to the county commission of the county havingjurisdiction thereof, signed by a majority of the assessedtaxpaying citizens and conservators of minors owning property inthe township in which it is proposed to locate such burialground, cemetery or graveyard, giving their consent to theopening up of a burial ground, cemetery or graveyard, whichpetition shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the countycommission, not less than ten days before the first day of theterm of the commission to which it is to be presented, and remainon file for public inspection, and the petition by the clerkshall be laid before the commission at the first term thereafterand in order to secure a permit it must appear affirmatively thata majority of the taxpaying citizens and conservators of minorsowning property in such township in which it is proposed tolocate the burial grounds, cemetery or graveyard, have signed thepetition, then and in that event only shall the county commissionissue its permission to the person or persons, association orcorporation desiring to establish a burial ground, cemetery orgraveyard; provided, no minor shall be counted on such petitionand that no person or persons to whom any real estate has beendeeded, transferred, conveyed or donated for the purpose ofmaking him, or her or them, eligible for signing such petitionshall be counted for or against such petition; without firstsecuring permission from the county commission, it shall beunlawful to open up, establish, start or operate a new burialground, cemetery or graveyard; provided further, that theprovisions of this section shall be of no force and effect as tolots, tracts or parcels of land which have been or may be madeavailable for use as a cemetery or graveyard by any zoning order.
(RSMo 1939 § 15280, A.L. 1945 p. 622, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45)Prior revision: 1929 § 14071