214.345. 1. Any cemetery operator who negotiates the saleof burial space in any cemetery located in this state shallprovide each prospective owner of burial space a writtenstatement, which may be a separate form or a part of the salescontract, which states and explains in plain language that theburial space is part of an endowed care cemetery; that thecemetery has established and maintains the endowed care fundrequired by law; and that the information regarding the funddescribed in section 214.340 is available to the prospectivepurchaser. If the burial space is in a nonendowed cemetery, orin a nonendowed section of an endowed care cemetery, the cemeteryoperator shall state he has elected not to establish an endowedcare fund.
2. The operator of each endowed care cemetery shall, uponrequest, give to the public for retention a copy of the endowedcare fund annual report prepared pursuant to the provisions ofsubsection 1 of section 214.340.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1079, A.L. 1994 S.B. 496 merged with S.B. 701)