215.210. The commission is authorized to provide tononprofit corporations such advisory, consultative, training andeducation services as will assist them to become owners ofhousing constructed or rehabilitated under sections 215.010 to215.250. Advisory and education services may include, but arenot necessarily limited to, technical and professional planningassistance, the preparation and promulgation of organizationalplanning and development outlines and guides, consultationservices, training courses, seminars and lectures, thepreparation and dissemination of newsletters and other printedmaterials and the services of field representatives. Thecommission is also authorized to provide nonprofit corporationswith advisory, consultative, technical, training and educationalservices in the management of residential housing, including butnot limited to home management and training and advisory servicesfor the residents so as to promote efficient and harmoniousmanagement thereof.
(L. 1969 H.B. 130 ยง 31)