215.314. The Missouri housing development commission shallnot make additional subsidies to a multifamily rental housingproject unless the owner enters into such agreements with thestate or local government agency as are necessary to assure that:
(1) The housing will be retained as housing affordable forlow income families or persons, and moderate income families orpersons for the remaining term of the mortgage or until the termof any subsidy contract expires or an additional twenty years,whichever is longer, and throughout such extended period,adequate expenditures shall be made for maintenance and operationof the housing;
(2) The owner shall not charge or attempt to charge rents inexcess of those deemed affordable to low income families forforty percent of those units becoming available to new tenantsfollowing vacation of a subsidized unit by previous tenants, andthe owner shall not charge or attempt to charge rents in excessof those deemed affordable to moderate income families for theremaining sixty percent of the subsidized units becomingavailable following vacation by previous tenants;
(3) Following any vacation of a moderate or low income unitby its occupants the owner shall rent the unit to a householdthat qualifies as a low income household or moderate incomehousehold on its initial occupancy of the unit;
(4) The owner shall not increase rents on additional subsidyunits more than one time every twelve months nor by more than apercentage amount equal to the percentage increase in the CPI forthe preceding year unless the administering agency approves agreater increase due to extraordinary circumstances;
(5) The owner shall seek to retain, renew, extend andutilize, to the greatest extent feasible, any financing orsubsidy arrangements available to the project which would expandthe affordability of the housing;
(6) The owner shall not refuse to accept housing vouchersand section 8 existing housing certificates from tenants inpartial payment of rent due;
(7) The owner shall not discriminate against any householddesiring to rent a subsidized unit on the basis of thehousehold's receipt of any public assistance payments orutilization of housing vouchers or section 8 existing housingcertificates;
(8) Each year following grant of the additional subsidies,no later than sixty days following the anniversary date of thefirst grant of additional subsidies, the owner of the multifamilyrental housing project shall submit a written certification tothe administering agency on a form provided by the administeringagency which set forth the rent of each additional subsidy unitheld by the owner as of the date of the certification and whichcertifies to the administering agency that the occupants of eachadditional subsidy unit qualified as a low income household ormoderate income household on the date of initial occupancy of theadditional subsidy unit by that household;
(9) Any tenant residing in a multifamily rental housingproject receiving additional subsidies may petition theadministering agency for a downward adjustment of rent, if thetenant is paying rent in excess of thirty percent of his*income.
(L. 1989 H.B. 378 ยง 22)*Word "their" appears in original rolls.