221.111. 1. No person shall knowingly deliver, attempt to deliver,have in such person's possession, deposit or conceal in or about thepremises of any county or private jail or other county correctionalfacility:
(1) Any controlled substance as that term is defined by law, exceptupon the written prescription of a licensed physician, dentist, orveterinarian;
(2) Any other alkaloid of any kind or any spiritous or malt liquor;
(3) Any article or item of personal property which a prisoner isprohibited by law or rule made pursuant to section 221.060 from receivingor possessing, except as herein provided;
(4) Any gun, knife, weapon, or other article or item of personalproperty that may be used in such manner as to endanger the safety orsecurity of the institution or as to endanger the life or limb of anyprisoner or employee thereof.
2. The violation of subdivision (1) of subsection 1 of this sectionshall be a class C felony; the violation of subdivision (2) of this sectionshall be a class D felony; the violation of subdivision (3) of this sectionshall be a class A misdemeanor; and the violation of subdivision (4) ofthis section shall be a class B felony.
3. The chief operating officer of a county jail or other countycorrectional facility or the administrator of a private jail may denyvisitation privileges to or refer to the county prosecuting attorney forprosecution any person who knowingly delivers, attempts to deliver, has insuch person's possession, deposits or conceals in or about the premises ofsuch jail or facility any personal item which is prohibited by rule orregulation of such jail or facility. Such rules or regulations, includinga list of personal items allowed in the jail or facility, shall beprominently posted for viewing both inside and outside such jail orfacility in an area accessible to any visitor, and shall be made availableto any person requesting such rule or regulation. Violation of thissubsection shall be an infraction if not covered by other statutes.
(L. 1986 S.B. 450 ยง 221.110, A.L. 1997 S.B. 89 merged with S.B. 218, A.L. 2009 S.B. 44)