226.380. Areas under scenic, landscape, sightly, or safetyeasement shall be generally prohibited from uses that would bedetrimental to the parkway for the respective stated purposes;such easements shall restrict the use of areas covered thereby,and shall provide that:
(1) Buildings, pole lines and structures may remain or beerected on such areas, to serve farms, residence and such otherpurposes as may be determined to be consistent with parkway plansby the secretary;
(2) New buildings, structures, or major alterations toexisting buildings or structures shall be subject to the priorapproval of the secretary;
(3) No additional commercial buildings, industrialstructures, power or communication lines or other publicutilities be erected or constructed on such areas;
(4) No dump of ashes, trash, sawdust, metals or any otherunsightly or offensive material shall be placed on such area;
(5) No sign, billboard or advertisement shall be displayedor placed upon such areas, except one sign not greater than foursquare feet advertising the sale of the property or productsraised upon it, except in commercial areas zoned therefor by thesecretary.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 8798)