226.805. 1. There is hereby created the "InteragencyCommittee on Special Transportation" within the Missouridepartment of transportation. The members of thecommittee shall be: The assistant for transportation of theMissouri department of transportation, or his designee;the assistant commissioner of the department of elementaryand secondary education, responsible for special transportation,or his designee; the director of the division of aging ofthe department of social services, or his designee; thedirector of the division of family services of the department ofsocial services, or his designee; the deputy director for mentalretardation/developmental disabilities and the deputy directorfor administration of the department of mental health, or theirdesignees; the executive secretary of the governor's committee onthe employment of the handicapped; and other state agencyrepresentatives as the governor deems appropriate for temporaryor permanent membership by executive order.
2. The interagency committee on special transportationshall:
(1) Jointly designate substate special transportationplanning and service areas within the state;
(2) Jointly designate a special transportation planningcouncil for each special transportation planning and servicearea. The special transportation planning council shall becomposed of the area agency on aging, the regional center fordevelopmental disabilities, the regional planning commission andother local organizations responsible for funding and organizingspecial transportation designated by the interagency committee.The special transportation planning councils will oversee andapprove the preparation of special transportation plans. Staffsupport for the special transportation planning councils will beprovided by the regional planning commissions serving the areawith funds provided by the department of transportationfor this purpose;
(3) Jointly establish a uniform planning format and content;
(4) Individually and jointly establish uniform budgeting andreporting standards for all transportation funds administered bythe member agencies. These standards shall be adopted into theadministrative rules of each member agency;
(5) Individually establish annual allocations of funds tosupport special transportation services in each of the designatedplanning and service areas;
(6) Individually and jointly adopt a five-year planningbudget for the capital and operating needs of specialtransportation in Missouri;
(7) Individually develop administrative and adopt rules forthe substate division of special transportation funds;
(8) Jointly review and accept annual capital and operatingplans for the designated special transportation planning andservice areas;
(9) Individually submit proposed expenditures to theinteragency committee for review as to conformity with the areasspecial transportation plans. All expenditures are to be made inaccordance with the plans or by special action of the interagencycommittee.
3. The assistant for transportation of the Missouridepartment of transportation shall serve as chairmanof the committee.
4. Staff for the committee shall be provided by the Missouridepartment of transportation.
5. The committee shall meet on such a schedule and carry outits duties in such a way as to discharge its responsibilitiesover special transportation expenditures made for the statefiscal year beginning July 1, 1989, and all subsequent years.
(L. 1988 S.B. 676 ยง 1)