227.220. 1. The commission is authorized to prescribeuniform marking and guide boards on the state highways, and tocause to be removed all other markings and guide boards andadvertising signs, and to remove any other obstruction to thelawful use of a state highway, including the right to remove ortrim trees located within or overhanging the right-of-way of astate highway, and to prohibit and regulate the erection ofadvertising or other signs on the right-of-way of the statehighways. The commission is authorized to erect, or cause to beerected danger signals or warning signs at railroad crossings,highway intersections or other places along the state highwayswhich the commission deem to be dangerous. After plans andspecifications and estimates have been made and filed by theengineer and approved by the commission it shall be the duty ofthe commission to advertise for bids, as is now provided forletting of contracts for constructing the state highway system asprovided in section 227.100, for the erection and maintenance ofmarking signs, guide boards, danger signals or warning signs, andto authorize the display of such signals, signs or guide boardsadvertising, which, in the opinion of the commission, is notunsightly or does not obstruct the view of such signals, signs orboards, in consideration of such signals, signs or boards beingerected and maintained without cost of the state, and thecommission is authorized to prohibit the display of any otheradvertising matter within a distance of three hundred feet ofsuch signals, signs or boards so as not to obstruct the view orimpair the purpose of the same.
2. Any person who erects or maintains advertising signs,marking or guide boards or signals on the right-of-way of anystate highway without the written permission of the commission,or any person who willfully damages, removes or obstructs theview of sign boards or signals, erected or maintained on thehighways without the written permission of the commission, shallbe deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, that any person,firm, or corporation who shall damage or destroy any part of thestate highway system by the doing of any act in violation of lawshall be liable to such commission for the amount of suchdamages; and such damages may be recovered by civil suit in anycourt of competent jurisdiction, which suit may be brought in thename of the state highway commission of Missouri, as plaintiffagainst the person, firm or corporation so causing such damage ordestruction; and in the event such damage or destruction shall becaused by the use of vehicles on such state highway which areforbidden by law, or by the use of vehicles carrying loads inexcess of the maximum weight prescribed by law, or by vehiclesoperated at a rate of speed in excess of that prescribed by law,then the owner of such vehicle shall be personally liable for theamount of such damage or destruction which may be recovered inlike manner; and the amount of such damages, when collected,shall be deposited in and become a part of the state road fund;and provided further, that nothing in this section shall be soconstrued as to relieve any person, firm or corporation or ownerof vehicles from the criminal liability which may be provided bylaw on account of the doing of such prohibited acts.
(RSMo 1939 § 8755)Prior revision: 1929 § 8107