227.612. 1. The commission shall establish a process for the receiptand review of a request for approval or request for proposal. Such processshall, at a minimum, establish a specific schedule for review by thecommission of the request for approval and competing proposals, a processfor alteration of such schedule by the commission as the commission deemssuch changes are necessary due to the scope or complexity of proposalsreceived and the type and amount of information necessary for adequatereview of proposals in each stage of review.
2. To promote and support the objectives of the United States ofAmerica's foreign policy regarding terrorism, the commission shallestablish, prior to the receipt and review of any request for approval orresponse to a request for proposal, a policy that prohibits a privatepartner from being eligible to enter into an interim or comprehensiveagreement with the commission to finance, develop and/or operate theproject if such private partner, its subsidiaries or affiliated entitiesare known to sponsor terrorism or aid the government of countries that areknown to sponsor terrorism.
(L. 2006 H.B. 1380)