228.140. 1. The county commissions of the several countiesin this state shall have authority to establish highways on theboundary lines of their respective counties in the same manner asprovided in sections 228.020 to 228.130, and when so establishedsuch roads shall not be less than forty feet wide. Each countyshall provide one-half of the cost of establishing and keeping inrepair such road.
2. The proceedings may be brought in any one of the countiesconcerned, but the commissioners of the county commission of eachof the counties shall sit as one commission, and a majority ofthe commissioners shall decide all questions, and all matterstherein shall be heard and determined in the county where theproceedings are first instituted. A certified copy of any finaljudgment establishing such road and the report of the countyhighway engineer thereon shall be filed in the office of theclerk of the county commission of each county, and spread ofrecord therein. The commission having jurisdiction of theproceedings shall set all hearings for such days as may notinterfere with like proceedings in the other counties concerned.
(RSMo 1939 § 8479)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7833; 1919 § 10631; 1909 § 10441