230.060. Whenever any county highway laid out and designatedunder the provisions of this chapter shall be over and along theroute of any existing highway, it shall be the duty of the countycommission, or other board or commission, having jurisdictionover such highway, to convey the same to the county highwaycommission, who shall thereafter have control and supervisionthereover, and whenever any such county highway shall be laid outand designated through any special road district, or in countiesunder township organization, it shall be the duty of thecommissioner of such special road district, or of the treasurerof such township, to pay over to the county highway commission,such proportion of the total road revenue arising therein as themileage of said county highway within said special road district,or township, shall bear to the total number of road mileagetherein.
(RSMo 1939 § 8507)Prior revision: 1929 § 7861