231.030. Before entering upon his duties each road overseershall execute to the county a bond in such sum as may be fixed bythe county commission, with good and sufficient security to beapproved by the commission, the condition of such bond to be thathe will faithfully discharge his duties as such road overseer,and that he will account for all sums of money received by him assuch overseer, and that he will account to the county highwayengineer, at the expiration of his term of office, for all tools,machinery, books, papers and other property belonging to thecounty or district, and such bond may be sued upon by the countyto the use of the road district or any person injured by a breachthereof.
(RSMo 1939 § 8518)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7872; 1919 § 10663; 1909 § 10467
County officer or road overseer not to be sales agent for road material or machinery, penalty, RSMo 229.090, 229.200