231.120. Whenever such a strip of land shall have been setaside by the county commission, and the said road, including saidstrip of land graded to the established grade, the said countycommission shall have the power to have footpaths constructed andcause shade trees of uniform variety and size to be plantedthereon, under the supervision of the county highway engineer;after which it shall be the duty of the road overseer of thedistrict containing such road or roads to care for and protectthe same out of the road funds of such district; provided, thesaid county commission may in its discretion, beforeappropriating any money for the construction of such footpaths,or the purchase and planting of the trees aforesaid, require theproperty owners owning the property adjoining said road todeposit such part of the total cost of the same with the countytreasurer as the commission may deem just and proper.
(RSMo 1939 § 8575)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7926; 1919 § 10714; 1909 § 10517