231.240. Whenever the inhabitants of any road district ofany county of this state having heretofore adopted or which mayhereafter adopt township organization may desire to adopt thecontract system of working roads in such road district, it may beaccomplished in the following manner: Upon the receipt by thetownship clerk of a petition from a majority of the residenthouseholders of such road district, residing outside of anincorporated city, town or village, setting forth the facts, thetownship board of directors shall at its next regular meeting, ifsuch meeting be held within thirty days after the receipt by thetownship clerk of such petition, and otherwise at a specialmeeting of the township board to be held not later than thirtydays after the receipt of such petition, order the adoption ofsaid system in said road district. The township clerk shallenter in the record of the township board all of the proceedingsconcerning the adoption of said contract system and shalldeclare, by publication, the adoption of said system in such roaddistrict.
(RSMo 1939 § 8826)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8166; 1919 § 10928; 1909 § 11775