231.250. Upon the adoption of the contract system of workingthe roads, the township board of the road district so adoptingthe same shall, on or before the fifteenth day of April, nextfollowing such adoption, make an order, duly entered of record,requiring the property tax of such road district assessed forroad purposes to be paid in money. The said township board shallimmediately give notice of the letting of the working of theroads in such road district by contract, publicly, to the lowestand best bidder, with specifications in such notice of the workto be done; said notice shall be given by at least four writtenor printed handbills, posted in at least four public places insuch road district at least ten days before the letting of suchcontract. The township board at the time set forth in thenotices above provided for shall proceed to let the contract forthe working of the roads in said road district to the lowest andbest bidder; provided, that no person or persons who are in anywise connected with any member of such township board shall be aneligible bidder. The person or persons whose bid shall beaccepted shall, within ten days thereafter, severally enter intobond with the township board in such amount and with suchpersonal security as shall be acceptable to and be approved bysaid township board, conditioned that they will faithfullyperform the conditions and stipulations contained in saidcontract, and any breach of the conditions of said bond may besued on in any court of competent jurisdiction in the corporatename of such township.
(RSMo 1939 § 8828)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8168; 1919 § 10929; 1909 § 11776